Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Want to never get fired Have a super-long job interview process

Want to never get fired Have a super-long job interview processWant to never get fired Have a super-long job interview processFor job seekers around the world, reaching the promised land of employment is taking more time than ever.A new report from employer-rater Glassdoor found that the job application timeline - from starting your application to getting the offer - is getting longer globally.Based on over 80,000 interview reviews on its site in 2017, Glassdoor found that the average interview process around the world takes 23.7 days, one day longer than the sites estimate in 2016.But heres the good news A longer interview process means that a company is probably playing for keeps, and it will be harder to lose your job.India has shortest interview process Brazil and France have longestIn some parts of the world, the job application race to the schliff line is longer than in others.If you want to get hired soon, move to India. India had the shortest interview process out of the 25 countries surveyed with its average timeline from apply to yes, youre hired taking 16.1 days. Israel wasnt far behind, with 16.9 days, followed by Romania at 19.2 days.Some theories Romanias quick timeline may be due to a lack of bureaucracy holding up hires. As one German entrepreneur noted in an article for ZDNet, starting a startup there was much easier than in Silicon Valley because overhead and salaries in Romania are about a quarter of those in the San Francisco. As for Israel, maybe theres a strong demand for jobs filled out yesterday as industries grow at rapid rates? According to the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, high-tech sectors are the fastest-growing industries in Israel.If you enjoy twiddling your thumbs as you wait for your recruiter to remember your existence, move to Brazil, France, and Switzerland, the countries with the longest interview processes. (Washington DC made an appearance too, which isnt surprising because of the strict hiring bureaucracy of the U S government.)Glassdoor suspects that labor laws play a big factor. France, for example, does not do at-will employment like the United States does, which may be why it takes about 15 more days to get hired in France than the U.S. Because workers are hard to fire, even for underperformance, French companies need to be more careful about who they hire. This paradox is also why new French president Emmanuel Macron has faced plummeting popularity levels one of his stated goals is to reform the countrys labor market to allow quicker hires and fires, which is an unpopular idea with voters.Glassdoors study found that the more regulatory hurdles companies face within their local labor markets, the more difficult it will be to hire - and fire - employees, directly impacting how long it takes to fill open roles, Glassdoors chief economist, Dr. Andrew Chamberlain, said in a statement.Here are the cities with the longest interview processes. And the shortest.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

3 methods of gratitude that can immediately transform your life

3 methods of gratitude that can immediately transform yur life3 methods of gratitude that can immediately transform your lifeIf youre struggling to move forward in your life, the dicke bretter bohren mssen isnt your life.The problem isnt your circumstances.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moraThe problem isnt your lack of skills and knowledge.The problem isnt the busy and overcrowded marketplace.The problemisyou.No matter the condition of your life or the world, you have the opportunity to 1) be happy, and 2) move forward in the direction you want to go.Without question, the world is crazier, busier, and more complex than ever. Theres never been a harder and easier time to succeed.Its harder now than ever because if you dont learn to manage yourself, then you are basically a ping-pong ball being bounced around by well-designed dopamine hit after dopamine hit. Our world is becoming in creasinglydesigned for distraction and confusion.As Standford psychologist, BJ Fogg, hassaid, Design crushes willpower. Fogg further explains that design crushes willpower in two specific waysIf you design your life and environment right, then you wont need to use willpower to do the right thing (thats the positive part)Other people design things that overwhelm your willpower, and the only way you can get control back is via designing your own life (thats the negative part)So, life is harder now than ever because our world is designed to distract us. Our world is more confusing than ever.This is no secret.Depression and anxiety rates are skyrocketing.Addiction is an epidemic.Obesity continues to rise in America.General unhappiness, numbness, and dissatisfaction are basically the expected norm.If your life isnt moving the direction you want it to go, or if you feel overwhelmed by everything on your plate, then this article is for you.You can apply the methods in this article and land see IMMEDIATE results.If you begin to develop a practice to apply the methods in this article, then you will learn how to achieve any goal you set.Gratitude is the mother of virtues.Youve heard that a thousand times.But what does it actually mean to be grateful? Clearly, it isnt writing down a list of what youre grateful for once per year on Thanksgiving. And although that is a helpful exercise, theres a lot more to it. Although it isnt complicated.Gratitude Transforms 3ThingsFundamentally, gratitude is intended to change three thingsYour pastYour presentYour futureIf youre not transforming your past, present, and future, then you arent fully experiencing the benefits of gratitude.Every morning, you have the opportunity to trigger a mental and emotional state that sustains throughout the whole day.If you start your day right, youll be shocked at the momentum you can create.Even more though, if you give yourself some space Im talking 530 minutes of strategic gratitude and visualizati on, then you literally prime your brain to operate at a higher level throughout the day.So heres how to apply the three methods of gratitudeTransform YourPastDan Sullivan, the founder of Strategic Coach, has a very important concept he teaches entrepreneurs he calls itThe Gap and the Gain.Most people are living in The Gap. They always see what is missing. For example, I could get my son a candy bar on my way home from work and when I give it to him, he might say, You didnt get the one I like.Thats the gap.My son didnt notice or appreciate the fact that I went out of my way to get him a gift. He only noticed that the thing wasnt what it could have been.He didnt realize that he just gained something. He only saw the gap.Most people live their entires lives in the gap. Dan teaches his entrepreneurs instead to live in the gain. This is actually quite simple rather than measuring yourself again your ideals, you measure yourself against where you were before.This is very effective for goa l setting. Most people dont like goals because being ambitious is emotionally taxing. It hurts to fail and it is a let down to succeed.But these emotional problems come from focusing on the wrong thing.People get emotionally attached to outcomes when they are living in the gap. When you live in the gain, then isall you seeis progress.What you focus on expands.When all you see is progress, then your brain comes to expect it more and more. But you get progress without being attached to specific outcomes, even though those outcomes come with increased velocity.Every day, you could measure the gain. You could look back at the end of your day and think to yourself What were my three greatest wins for the day?Former Standford business professor and university president,Henry Eyring, had a practice of asking himself every night How did I see Gods hand in my life today?Eyring would then spend a few minutes meditating on his day, and he would realize the several instances he experienced mira cles or blessings big or small. He would then record those in his journal.Now, as much as measuring the gain is key, you also want torememberthe gain.Most people, when they look back on their past, they often remember the gaps. They remember where things didnt go as well as they could have. They think about how their parents didnt show up as well as they could.Its very easy in relationships to be in the gap where all you see is where the other person isnt up to par. Thats a horrible way to be in a relationship. Its also not ritterlich to the other person.Being in the gap forces your brain to think that things cannot change.Being in the gap is how you develop a fixed mindset.So one of the key strategies of Gratitude to apply is reshaping your memory of the past. Yes, you heard that correctly. Your past is not objective. Rather, your past is entirely subjective and is ameaning.You are the person who ascribes meaning to your experiences. You are the one ascribing meaning and context to your past experiences.Its highly likely that a great deal of your past is in the gap.Gratitude allows you to re-remember your past entirely focused on the gain. When you re-contextualize your past, then you will never be the victim to your past again.Most people, when they describe their current circumstances, point to their past. Im the way I am because of name the experience.Your past does not need to be something you are the victim to. Instead, your past can be something continually inspiring you and propelling you forward.If you truly want to embody and experience the benefits of gratitude, then you must stop trying to be objective about this.You cannot say, But you dont understand, my past really is unique and it was horrible.Im not trying to downplay what happened to you. Nor am I trying to ignore the emotional impact of your previous experiences.What Im showing you is that, quite literally, you are the designer of your past. You get to decide the narrative and perspective an d context.For example, belastung year, I launched my first major book,Willpower Doesnt Work. From outside perspectives, the book was likely a huge success. But for me, it was a huge failure I had specific goals and expectations that werent met. I had invested huge amounts of time and money and didnt succeed at the level I wanted.For a long time, my story around that book launch was that it was a failure. Because of that story in my heard, my memory of that experience was in the gap. I wasnt seeing all the brilliant things that came out of that experience.And the truth is, insane amounts of opportunity, learning, and growth came out of that experience.So,Im choosing to remember the gain, not the gap. Im choosing how I remember that experience. And as a result, Im choosing my narrative and my past.Your past is whatever you ascribe meaning to. You can remember the gains, or you can remember the pain.Post-traumatic growth is the opposite of PTSD. You could have any negative experience i maginable and become better from it. This may take time, but if you are conscious about your emotions and conscious about your future, then you can turn ANY negative experience into a lot of GAIN.Your painful experiences become the doorway to growth and experience, as well as service to others dealing with similar problems.Your biggest failures and problems can be if you let them your greatest drivers of success, learning, and joy.But you need to choose how you see and how you remember them.Its entirely up to you.You can remember the gain or the gap.How you choose to remember determines your past.Transform Your Present CircumstancesFocus on circumstances and youll be a consumer. Focus on capacity and youll be a creator. Kade JamesVery rarely are you going to be in ideal circumstances. There will always be friction and challenge to living your dreams.There will always be inconveniences.The problem isnt actually your circumstances, but how youre looking at them.Perfect circumstances a re not actually ideal.If you look at nature plants and animals that thrive do so because of difficult circumstances. As the poem by Douglas Mallach statesGood timber does not grow with easeThe stronger wind, the stronger treesThe further sky, the greater lengthThe more the storm, the more the strength.By sun and cold, by rain and snow,In trees and men good timbers grow.You dont want perfect circumstances. You want and need the challenge to grow.But circumstances in general, particularly your current circumstances, need to be reframed. If youre going to pay any attention to your circumstances, you should consciously focus on the good in them.Gratitude for the amazing people in your life.Gratitude for the opportunities you currently have.Gratitude for the chance to live on this beautiful planet.If youre reading this article, then you have access to resources that will blow the minds of most of human history.So, as challenging and limiting as your current circumstances are youre probab ly living in the gap. And when you live in the gap, it really doesnt matter what you have, you wont see it that way.You could be a billionaire, and if youre in the gap, it will never be enough.So, part one of transforming the present is appreciating it. Its not about your resources, but how resourceful you are. There are people will far less doing far more with what they have then you are doing.Its not your circumstances, its you.But theres actually a problem with focusing on circumstances at all youre actually far better of focusing on your capability.This is a powerful shift.If you focus on your circumstances, youll find plenty to complain about. But if you focus on your capability, then your only option is to get moving.Your capability is always above your circumstances. There is always something you can do to impact and change your life. To move in the direction you want to go.Gratitude for the opportunity to grow and move forward is how you change your present. You see all the beauty in what you currently have, and you recognize the amazing power you have to improve upon what you have.If youre focused on your capability, then you are more likely to put your energy into creating and moving forward. If youre more focused on your circumstances, then you are more likely to put your energy into consumption and avoidance.How much time are you spending consuming?How much time are you spending creating?If youre consuming, then youre likely living in the gap. Youre likely focused on your circumstances and whats wrong or difficult about them.If youre creating, then your focus isnt on your present circumstances, but your future ones. Youre telling a story about your life and youre the one creating it.This is a powerful way to live.Gratitude for the present and gratitude for what you can do. This allows you to create powerfully.Transform Your Future, Right Here-And-NowYou are the designer of your past memories, your present experience, and your future as well.Every m orning during your morning meditation and visualization session, you want to experience and fully embody gratitude for your future.Visualization is far more powerful when it is mental and emotional. The more emotional and embodied the visualization, the more you will believe and know that it is true.American novelist, Florence Shinn, has said, Faith knows it has already received and acts accordingly.Gratitude for your future bolsters your faith.It allows you to know that youll succeed, long before you do.While most people are defined by experiences from their past, successful people are defined by experiences in their future.What experiences do you want to have?What events in your future do you want to see occur?Are you living your life, right now, as though those experiences were for sure going to happen?Are you living your life, right now, to consciously create those experiences?Do you have complete peace that your dreams will come true? If not, then you likely wont succeed. Your negative emotional state will stop you from the very things you want.Your emotional state is fundamental to what you create in your life and future.If youre at a place of acceptance, peace, and trust, then you will be able to navigate the challenges youll face toward your dreams.Every day experience complete gratitude for the inevitable success of your future. Then, act the part, here and now.ConclusionYou are the one creating your experience in life.You are the one who shapes the meaning of your past.You are the one who determines how well youll do, regardless of the circumstances you are in.As your past, your circumstances are subjective, not objective. Your circumstances are a meaning which you decide what to do with.Focus on your capacity, not your circumstances. When you focus on your capacity, you realize that you have the power to CREATE your desired future, regardless of what you see in front of you.When you focus on capacity, you stop being bogged down by all of the frictio n and challenge in your current circumstances.Undoubtedly, your life is hard. Its far from perfect. There are constraints stopping you from actively moving forward. But in large respect, those constraints are in your head.Focusing on the constraints only makes them larger in your mind.Focusing on what you can do about it, right now, is how you change those constraints.You can change your life, one day at a time.Every morning, you can experience huge amounts of gratitude for your past, your present, and your future.If you take a few minutes to really do this, then youll be shocked at how good you feel. Youll be shocked at the hope and optimism you feel for your future. Youll have a desire to reach out and connect with your loved ones, and tell them how grateful you are for them.When you begin operating from a place of true gratitude, youll immediately begin transforming your life and relationships.What are you waiting for?No more consuming.No more focusing on the problems in your lif e or your past.Instead, take ownership of your experience.Take ownership for your past and your narrative of that past.Take ownership of your current capacity.You have divine potential and unlimited capacity but only if you put the eye of your attention on what you can do, rather than whats wrong.Have a beautiful day.This article first appeared on Medium.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Structure and Spontaneity How to Leverage Both in a Job Search

Structure and Spontaneity How to Leverage Both in a Job SearchStructure and Spontaneity How to Leverage Both in a Job SearchAre you someone who recoils at the idea of having things too planned out because youre afraid that youll miss out on opportunities for spontaneity and serendipity? If so, you may be taking these principles too far during your job search, since planning ahead and creating structure can help you land new opportunities. Relying too much on structure when looking for work, though, might cause you to miss out on meeting people or having organic experiences that can be just as effective in leading to your next position.The key to this conundrum is figuring out the right blend of structure and spontaneity in your search. By taking the following steps toward creating balanced structure, job seekers can get close to the best of both worlds.Heres how to leverage both structure and spontaneity in a job searchSelect networking venues in advancebut still leave something to c hance.If youre trying to build your base of professional contacts in a specific industry or meet people who work at a company that youre interested in working for, then its smart to use a structured approach. Attending any old job conference will help you meet people- but not necessarily people at the right level, position, or organization that you need.Choose a handful of networking events or expos that attract attendees in your industry of interest. But once youre there, mix things up a little by letting yourself choose sessions to attend by what draws your interest. You can also stay spontaneous by talking to people you meet along the way rather than scheduling all of your meet-ups prior to the conference.Rely on regular job sites for leadsbut try a new forum once in a while.Depending on the goals of your job search, youll likely find some job sites more helpful than others. If youre targeting employers that offer flexibility, for example, visiting should be on your daily to-do l ist, or you might want to regularly explore LinkedIn or Glassdoor to learn more about specific companies.Once youve identified your tried-and-true sources for job leads, however, you can add power to your search by branching out. Ask friends what job sites are their favorites, for example, and check out a new one once in a while. You never know where that perfect-fit position will come from.Map out a plan for your job search strategybut ditch it when opportunity knocks.Structuring your job search around specific actions can help you stay focused and on track. For example, the first leg of your journey might involve getting your resume, cover letters, and other job search materials into shape. Next, you might set a goal to spend three hours a day researching opportunities zugnglich, and to attend an industry event for networking once a month.With your strategy of choice as your foundation, you can then stay alert for the unexpected. Dont feel married to your basic plan if an interest ing option comes your way through another channel. For example, be willing to cut your daily online search short if someone invites you to coffee- even if they arent in your field, they might turn out to have a job lead through their network.As you can see from these suggestions, theres no right way to go about finding a job. But when you combine a reliable framework with a curious mind thats open to possibilities coming your way off the beaten track, youll give yourself the best chance for preparation to meet opportunity.Know someone looking for a job? Refer a friend to with this link- youll get a month free service and theyll get 30% off

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The 7 Mistakes Youre Probably Making on LinkedIn

The 7 Mistakes Youre Probably Making on LinkedIn The 7 Mistakes Youre Probably Making on LinkedIn Before I get to the 7 mistakes (and how to fix them) let me explain why having a good LinkedIn profile is important and why more than 1 million people are joining the service every 2 weeks. Not only is LinkedIn a great way to network, its also increasingly used by recruiters to post vacancies and, more importantly, to search for passive candidates. (Passive candidates is recruiter-speak for a person not actively looking for a job).Indeed, LinkedIn now markets a service for recruiters that allows them to search profiles, store results and contact candidates, all from within an interface that they pay to access. But even recruiters who dont pay for access, use the system to research candidates.And the best thing about LinkedIn? Its freeIf you do have a profile, you might think youre set, but most of of you are not. fruchtwein of you are making simple mistakes on your profile that are negat ively impacting your search. So if you have a profile already, use these tips to make it better. if you dont, use them as a guide to create your first profile.The 7 Mistakes Youre Probably Making on LinkedIn1. Not Listing Every PositionMany people just list their one or two most recent positions, but this is a mistake because recruiters will often search for people who have worked at a particular company in the past. If you dont include that company in your career history, they wont find you.Likewise, LinkedIn allows people to search for former colleagues (which it does by looking for employer names). If you dont list all your employers, youre missing the chance to reconnect with a lot of people.Key point Linkedins search rankings depend in part on the number of contacts you have dont limit yourself by not making every contact possible (Ill say more about this a little later).So my first tip is this List every position you have held. Also, be aya to list all associations and certif ications because recruiters may choose to search by these rather than by employer.2. Not writing job descriptions for each positionIt may seem like a drag to write a description for each role, but this is important for 2 reasons1. Recruiters want to know what youve done and this is where you can describe your successes and accomplishments.2. The descriptions will naturally contain keywords used by recruiters when searching and therefore may help you to be found.Tip Write something about each role you held and focus not on boring descriptions of responsibilities but on actions, impact and results. See my profile for examples of this.LinkedIn Mistake 3. Not writing a powerful summary section.Its crucial to write a powerful summary section. Thats because this section of the profile allows you to tell your story in 2,000 words and is the first thing people will see when they come to your profile. Its also an important place to add keywords to help recruiters find you when theyre looking for someone with your skill set.Tip Its a good idea to go through job postings looking for commonly used keywords as these are often the words recruiters will use to search too.(Oh and dont forget to add a good photo. Heres more on why this is so important.) 4. Not editing the auto sub-header provided by LinkedInWhen you enter your current job title, LinkedIn automatically places it right underneath your name on your profile. So mine would read Louise Fletcher, President of Blue Sky Resumes if I hadnt edited it.Dont leave this headline as is Not unless your job title itself is so impressive that people would want to hire you just because of it. (For example, if youre a joke writer for The Daily Show, that might be all you need to say) But for the rest of us, our job title isnt the most compelling thing about us.When you search within LinkedIn, the results page looks like this See how the sub-header is right there. So you can either tell recruiters your current job title, or tell th em something that will communicate your value. I recommend the latter.Heres more on how to write a powerful LinkedIn headline.5. Not Building an Extensive NetworkThe image I posted above shows my search results when logged in to LinkedIn. Notice the little numbers next to each name? Thats how closely connected I am to them. LinkedIn serves up the people who are immediately connected to me first, and then goes on to 2nd degree connections those people who know someone that I know, and then third-degree connections and so on and so on.This means that the more connections you have, the more likely it is that recruiters will find you.Theres long been a debate about whether you should only connect with people you know and can personally vouch for (this is what the company recommends) or whether you should be what is called an open networker and connect with anyone who asks.Ill probably write more about this at some other time and it mostly depends on your goals for LinkedIn and your own personal philosophy, but if you want to be found in the maximum number of searches, theres no debate. Open networking is the way to go.Tip If your goal is maximum visibility, run a LinkedIn search on the word LION. This is short for Linkedin Open Networker which means that they are open to contacts with strangers. Connecting with them can increase your visibility enormously because they all have many contacts of their own.If you decide that open networking is not for you, and that you really do want to limit your connections to people you know, then at least make sure to add as many of them as possible using the various features LinkedIn makes available.6. Not Creating a Personal URLWhen you create a profile, LinkedIn will automatically assign you a profile URL that people can use to access your profile directly. It will usually contain numbers and letters. But you can change this URL so that it contains your name (mine is www.linkedin.com/in/louisefletcher).This is important not s o much for internal LinkedIn results, but for external Internet searches. When a recruiter or potential client researches you, you want them to find compelling and positive information. LinkedIn has enormous weight with the search engines, and so your profile is one of the best ways to ensure you make page 1 of Google for your name.(If you need proof of this, just google my name. I share a name with a famous actress (yes, she played Nurse Ratchett in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest and yes Ive heard all the jokes) so you would expect that I wouldnt make page 1 of Google, and yet, at the time of writing, my LinkedIn profile was 7 thats the highest result I have despite having a blog, a website, a Twitter profile and writing numerous articles on high traffic web sites).7. Not Making Your Profile PublicJust the other day I was reviewing a clients angeschlossen presence and found a LinkedIn profile with almost no information. Thats impossible, he told me, I filled the whole thing out. A fter a little back and forth, we figured out that he had set his profile not to display most information on the Internet. Remember that not all recruiters or clients will be viewing your profile after logging in to LinkedIn. Many will come to it via a Google search. If you set most of your profile to private, it wont be very impressive.Tip To change this, click on the edit profile tab and look for Public Profile. Click the small edit next to the URL and you will arrive at the page where you can choose what to make public. Unless you have a strong reason not to do this, I recommend sharing everything.In SummaryLinkedIn is increasingly becoming an essential tool for professional and executive-level job seekers. Not only do they advertise vacancies and provide the opportunity to research and network with people in your target companies, but they are increasingly absatzwirtschaft their database to recruiters and this gives you an excellent opportunity to raise your profile and get in f ront of the right people.So if you had made any of the mistakes listed above, dont waste any time in fixing them. (Oh and if you know of more tips and strategies, please feel free to add them in the comments).PS If youre ready to really get the most out of LinkedIn, check out The Blue Sky Guide to LinkedIn. This downloadable e-book takes you step-by-step through the site, with detailed instructions and screenshots on everything from setting up an effective profile through making connections all the way to understanding the many additional benefits the site has to offer. Once you learn how to use LinkedIn properly, youll never leave.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Going through a lull at work Here are 5 ways to find passion no matter what youre doing

Going through a lull at work Here are 5 ways to find passion no matter what youre doingGoing through a lull at work Here are 5 ways to find passion no matter what youre doingWeve all been there. After some amount of time at a new job, or in a new position?- ?or afteryearsin the same industry?- ?the excitement we once harbored for ur work wanes, and we start coasting or falling into what some call a lull.There have been several times in my own career when Ive felt myself hit a lull. Sometimes its been a result of disaffection with the work?- ?the sense that the company I worked for welchesnt fully utilizing my skills?- ?and sometimes its followed a period ofpersonal frustrationwith my team. I still, from time to time, hit these lulls, like Im not being as productive as I could be, or my team isnt realizing their fullest potential.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreThis feeling of hi tting a plateau is remarkably common. Some say its an all-outAmerican epidemic. Its also, in a way, menschengerecht nature. Were creatures of habit. As people, we seek out reliable repetition, yet repetition itself can lead to stagnation.Regardless of how common, however, the truth remains a decline in commitment to your work, or in your excitement about your work, is innately damaging. It can lead to both a drop in your professional performance and in your personal happiness.Given that, professional apathy needs to be actively combated.Here are a few different tactics Ive adopted both as a leader and as an employee over my career to help pull myself out of a lull.1) Try to promote and facilitate collaborationThe chief source of complacency Ive seen in the folks whove worked for me over the years has stemmed from siloed work environments. When day after day you work alone at your desk, completing only the tasks youre responsible for, you lose sight of the company mission which might have galvanized you initially. You begin to feel like you cant accomplish as much as you might want. You feel limited and alone.Its better, instead, to foster or encourage an environment thats inherently more collaborative?- ?one where your people are inspired to contribute and compelled to do so in creative, important ways.This is something you can do as a manager or director by rearranging your teams, modeling the sort of collaboration you want to see more of, or otherwise adjusting key elements of your culture so that your people are more meaningfully incentivized to collaborate. You can work to build that into your foundation.As an individual employee, meanwhile, you can seek out opportunities to go above and beyond, in this sense, and create value alongside your peers in a way that might open new doors for systemic collaboration in the future. The key is looking for and then summoning the energy required to capitalize on those opportunities.2) Take a fieldtripIf theres somethi ng specific youre trying to accomplish at work but you either arent feeling motivated to do it or you dont know exactlyhowto do it, go out and conduct some research.Find someone you know or whom you know of who has the wisdom or intelligence youre after. Then, go observe them in action. If youre looking to restructure your organization, for example, pay a visit to a company who already has a similar structure in place.Or, go to a place, event, or lecture thats semi-relevant to the work youre doing. This is something weve done as a team at World Changers by attending conferences together. Through those events and by engaging in team-building activities, weve left feeling energized and motivated to contribute more meaningfully to our work. You might be surprised how much it could fuel you and your team with the same inspiration.And thats the key this is something you can do on your ownorwith your colleagues. Youll be surprised by how breaking out of your routine and expanding your per spective even for just one day can open your eyes to new opportunities and means of reinvigorating your work.3) ReadSimilarly, our outputs, in general, are a direct product of our inputs. So, if youre ever in a rut, go plek up a book and re-acquaint yourself with the experts and authors who themselves have spent lots of time thinking about the very things youve been struggling over.Studying the solutions, ideas, and minds of others can prove a great source of inspiration. Light bulbs go off when you read. You either say to yourself, Oh, Ive never thought of X like that, or you say, Wow,Ican do thisBy reading about people or organizations who have been in similar situations, you can learn how to combat the specific lull yourefacing.As a manager, its crucial you encourage your teams to invest in their inputs. For example, I recently had my team atWorld ChangersreadNecessary Endingsby Dr. Henry Cloud to help all of us spark new, more creative ideas for taking our work to the next level and getting even better as an organization. It worked so well, its now something I ask my people to do once every few years.4) Ask for feedbackAsking your manager, director, or CEO for feedback on your performance can also be an excellent way to reset your perspective. Often, these constructive conversations will help you do things like set new milestones or establish new objectives to focus on.As it turns out, that intentionality is crucial toward developing professionally. Its a means of combating our natural human tendency to become complacent in our routines. And to this end, its on us to own our cognitive development. This is good in and of itself, but its also a great thing to do anytime you feel yourself becoming complacent.Energy is useless if its not directed toward something tangible and specific.5) Secure an outlet unrelated to your work to focus on in your downtime.Finally, if all you have in your life to direct your energy towards is work?- ?creative or otherwise?- ?yo ull burn out or grow bored.For me, finding a few other things I really cared about and that I could work to improve it made me happier in my personal life, as well as more focused when I was in the office. For me, this was interior design and travel. By focusing on getting better and more creative at the former, and allowing myself to reset and relax by way of the latter, I found I was able to return to the office each morning fresher and ready to kill it.Heres the truth at the end of the day, unless you challengeyourselfto continue growing and developing, youll inevitably stagnate.In other words, this is on you.All of us are in control over our own destinies and our own minds. All of us possess the power to combat professional stagnation. Its a matter of being self-aware enough to realize when you or the team youre in charge of need to make a change, refocus, or simply try harder.It just so happens that doing this is essential not just to our satisfaction in our work and in our per sonal lives, but also in our continual development and growth as people and professionals.This article first appeared on Minutes.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Benefits of Resume Summary for Customer Service

The Benefits of Resume Summary for Customer tafelgeschirr The Ideal Approach for Resume Summary for Customer Service The above is a perfect instance of how sample customer tafelgeschirr resumes are best structured and the best way to write them for high likelihood of succeeding. Some people might think that fancy is better, but in the event of a prosperous executive resume, easy and professional is the best way to go. Committed to remain constantly conscious of customer should guarantee a secure and secure shopping atmosphere. Use the search schachtel to find precisely what you want. Its especially valuable for displaying your skills if youve acted as a supervisor previously. A personal interview to talk about the manners in which my abilities and abilities can help you in achieving your goals would be most appreciated. Despite no experience, you still ought to show experience. Ergo you will need to number experience and exceptional talent that fit in just what the organiza tion wants. See our customer tafelgeschirr service resume sample for practical tips that will help you win the job that you desire If this is the case, you may want to customer resume to hw help online your good negotiations next time you put in your application for a customer service representative function. An energetic and quick learner whos committed to excellent customer services. To assist you get started writing your very own expert company, we gathered some good the very best customer service resume samples out there. The Argument About Resume Summary for Customer Service Possessing the proper overview of your skills, abilities and accomplishments is an essential to start with, you could be wondering if a resume and a CV are the exact thing Here is where you truly gain a few important points. A distinctive skills summary part of your store manager resume permits you to go into detail about the particular attributes you bring to the job which youre applying for. Loca ting a job in examples service needs a strong resume resume shows off your most significant accomplishments and most relevant skills in the business. Highlight your communication skills, including any extra languages spoken which may permit you to help a broader segment of consumers. Resume Summary for Customer Service - the Conspiracy Have a look at our expansive cover letter collection for those ideas you need to create a winning cover letter. The very first step should always be receiving your resume in order. A strong summary statement at the peak of your resume can increase the possibilities of them noticing what youve got to offer from the beginning. Our all-inclusive guide on the best way to compose an ideal cover letter in 8 simple steps will certainly help you out. With all resumes its vital to select the ideal format. Resume samples are a helpful means to direct your own writing. A sample will be able to help you decide what type of content you should include, in addition to how to format your resume. Choosing Resume Summary for Customer Service Is Simple What should determine your pick of summary or statement is where youre in your career. If you do decide to move forward with a resume summary statement, be sure to take care of it as your personal highlight reel. You must have five objective statements. A summary statement is a brief expert introduction that you may increase the peak of your resume. The process of locating a good job for a customer service representative is easy once you assemble a well-written summary statement. If you dont find out how to begin your resume summary statement you may pick a resume template or employment from an online resume creator to discover examples and suggestions to compose an effective resume introduction. You may want to look at a qualifications summary which we outlined in last weeks postbut if you simply need to have a summaryhere are a couple examples to help you begin. If youre looking for more info on writing a resume summary statement, LiveCareer is a superior resource. When youre asking for a customer service position, examine the work description to find out what kinds of skills and go through the business wants. Lets look at some fantastic headlines for experienced applicants in a couple of diverse industries. Include what youve learned that would be helpful to the organization. Match the qualifications that the business is asking for in the work description. The History of Resume Summary for Customer Service Refuted A clean, error-free resume will force you to look professional. When you submit an application for a new job, you would like to put your resume foot forward. For the company, customer profile sample will probably function as the very first software once they picked the candidate for more review. Additionally, there are resume templates youll be able to download to make your own resume. Some customer service resume samples are offered online, and they could have the ability to give additional practical tips regarding inclusions, but they might not always have the most optimum structure. A premium quality sample customer service resume will incorporate quite a few suitable key terms and phrases that could consist of phrases like customer satisfaction, customer retention, processes or efficiency, based on the particular job. The Resume Summary for Customer Service Stories No matter your degree of experience or accomplishment, a well-written resume is the trick to landing the customer service job which youve been hunting for. Much like any other endeavor, you will need to come out prepared or else, youre likely to fail. With over five years of experience for a customer service representative, my aim is to come across an organization that rewards hard work and supplies a platform to use my customer service abilities. Lets hope you may believe its excellent.

Monday, December 2, 2019

A NY Times Head Engineer On His Steps To Not Only Hire, But Retain More Women

A NY Times Head Engineer On His Steps To Not Only Hire, But Retain More Women At PowerToFly our mission is simple connect companies with women in tech so they can diversify their gruppes faster. Hiring well balanced teams is hard, despite numerous studies showing how diverse companies perform better. Thats why we focus on connecting with hiring managers who are trying to make a difference. By showcasing their goals, practices and the environments theyve created, we want to shed light on the initiatives hiring managers like Brian Hamman, the VP of Engineering for nachrichten Products at The New York Times, are doing at major companies to bring in mora women to change the makeup of their teams.Hammans team is responsible for the core news experience across the web and native apps for the storied media brand. PowerToFly spoke with Hamman about how he is trying to hire a diverse team, how coding and journalism intersect and how he got his start in tech.Is your tech group diverse?We are l ooking to become a more diverse group and we are focused on bringing more women to the team. We have created an excellent parental leave policy. We have 10 weeks for partners and adoptive parents and 16 weeks for birth mothers. It can be used anytime within a year of birth and takes effect immediately upon employment. And we are getting out into the community more through organizations like Grace Hopper. We also have a culture and diversity task force where we have done both unconscious bias training and training in career management.What are your top tips for hiring a diverse engineering team and for hiring more women?I struggle with hiring a diverse team as much as everybody else. The things that I find most successful beyond networking at places like meetups and events are When we hire a new developer at The Times I ask them as soon as possible about who we should try to recruit right away from their previous company or network. I ask them to look for people or give me names of p eople who I can go after myself. I tend to see more diverse candidates that way because I can ask for those types of referrals. I also am the LinkedIn Stalker. I am always emailing a bunch of people, inviting them to coffee and getting them to interviews, etc. Ive had really great success meeting people that way. We are also experimenting with tools like Textio to analyze job descriptions to make koranvers that we are leid using words that push women away from the NY Times. The harder challenge is getting engineers to consider working at The Times if they would never consider media. To address that problem we are working on growing the network of female engineers and engineers outside of the newsroom. Our women in tech task force is building out an excellent network of female engineers which helps in the hiring processTo me, the challenge is not only hiring women but retaining them once they are on board. We are working on Promoting a better work/life balance. We have a much better parental leave policy and I want to see that promoted more so candidates are aware of it. Focusing on career development??Ive seen women who are really good leave The Times for opportunities elsewhere. I want to make sure that everyone is growing in an engineering role at our media company. When you are in media the path forward in tech is not as clear as when you are at a company based in tech. For example, I welches pretty much the first person to have every role Ive had at the times. In media there can be a lot of uncertainty in your career as a developer. We just released a career ladder for engineers that gives a clear path for advancement to very senior levels without having to go into management, which is important for many engineers. We are also starting to talk about a remote work policy. We are setting up things like video conferencing and Slack to help with this process. We are not going to be a remote company but we are trying to figure out how to make it an option at ti mes when people need to work from where they are. We are setting up best practices for remote work so that when someone might need this as part of their package to work at the Times, we can consider it as an option and make sure it is a productive experience.Why do you think it is important to attract more women?Ive been on teams that were all men and teams that were balanced. The more balanced teams are better. You get to better decisions faster. You cut corners where needed faster. And you back out of dark corners faster. You get different ideas from a diverse team. When we launched NYT Cooking it was very helpful to have a mixed team. If you have more perspective, then you will have a better chance that you do not ignore an entire area of your audience, and overall your product will be more successful.Is speed important in the hiring process?It varies on the team and the role. We are slow on hiring. We would like to get faster. However, we want to hire the best person not the fir st person. We dont just try to hire to fill a slot. We prefer to bring in many candidates and hire the person who is the right fit for the job. We like to hire people who believe in the mission of The Times and will spend time looking for mission-driven candidates.How did you get your start in tech? And what is your role now at The Times?I became the VP of Engineering for News Products six months ago. I oversee the website, mobile apps including iOS and Android, the video team, and the front end teams.I had a roundabout way of getting into tech. I was a computer science major in undergrad but I actually got to the New York Times through Journalism school. I did database reporting at Journalism school at the University at Missouri. The New York Times created an internal role after the Jayson Blair case. I was hired onto a team that kept track of corrections, travel, and making sure standards are being met. We created a database of corrections to see if there were trends on errors.A y ear later I was on the interactive news team programming for journalism election results and social interactives. I was the Deputy Editor for about 6 years. I was at the intersection of coding and journalism as I was building tools for reporters and telling stories. I built an internal search engine for the reporters to use that tracked things from Guantanamo Detainees to puppy photos. From there I went to the NYT Now, Cooking, and Opinion sections. I was in the lead engineering role for these apps. I managed an engineering team for new products. It was the first time I considered myself an engineer as before that I was journalist who also coded.What are the coding languages most in demand right now?We are hiring for iOS and Android developers. We are also eager for Node and React. On the backend we need Java, Scala and Go. On the data end we are looking for people who know python. And we are looking to move to Google hub provider so people with that experience are highly sought aft er.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

New ASME Journal to Focus on Clean Energy

New ASME Journal to Focus on Clean Energy New ASME Journal to Focus on Clean Energy New ASME Journal to Focus on Clean EnergyEngineers and scientists will soon have a new journal in which to share breakthroughs with their technical communities and the world. ASMEs new Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage will launch in February 2016 with a focus on a cleaner future through batteries, fuel cells and other energy conversion and storage technologies.The new publication replaces the Societys Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology. Under the leadership of a new and expanded editorial board, this new journal will target a fast review time while continuing to improve publication quality. This new journal reflects the latest scientific thinking on energy conversion and storage technology, and includes batteries, fuel cells, electrolyzers, distributed energy, alternative fuels, carbon capture & utilization, and solar energy. The bi-monthly publication will report on a wide range of disciplines impacting the research and development of electrochemical energy conversion and storage systems, from fundamental electrochemistry and materials, to engineering design, analysis and manufacturing. Peer-reviewed articles in the Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage will titelbild a diverse set of topics related to energy storage and conversion technologies. Topics covered include reliability, damage tolerance, safety, and environmental control important factors for advancing the technology to the RD and commercialization stage. This is a very active research, development and commercialization area, said Wilson K. S. Chiu, Ph.D., of the University of Connecticut, who serves as the editor for the journal. Government and industry have challenged engineers and scientists to create new greener renewable technology that can meet societys needs for energy conversion and storage. We believe this new journal will be a central source of techn ical information in the rapidly growing energy marketplace. Papers for the Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage are invited from researchers, industry and government agencies. For more information, visit .

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Personality power How you present yourself at work

Personality power How you present yourself at workPersonality power How you present yourself at workSelf-Assessment Quiz - TRUE or FALSEIf I want to be taken seriously at work, Id better be serious at all times.Earning trust from my fellow coworkers has notlagehing to do with how I present myself emotionally day-to-day.Im aware of how my personality affects those I work with.When things get out of hand in life, you know its time for a reality check, but when was the last time you took a personality check at work? I was chatting with a colleague the otherbei day, and we came to the topic of what our own work personality is like. Then we examined some of those who worked for us. Now, we both agreed that a great personality can go a long way on the job. Generally, most people prefer to work with an upbeat person more than a sourpuss. However, I made the point that youve gotta have a great personality that is combined with hard workandsolid output. Otherwise, whats the point? An employ ee can be dumb as a doorknob and get nothing done. Personality will not save that person at work. You can wow with personality, but you can only get so far with a dazzling wit. I had one employee who sorta drove me crazy because she was overly bubbly. My impression of her was that she was someone who was trying too darn hard She reminded me of a puppy. She was all over the place AND wasnt really getting the job done but was just as happy as she could be Im here to tell you yes, be professionally happy and positive, but dont hang your star on your winning personality alone. Work and work hardMy colleague brought up a time early in her career where shed made a huge mistake on a project, and she apologized to her boss with a bit of a smile which prompted a chewing out that included the boss pretty much yelling at her, Do you understand the severity of what youve done? She totally had My colleague says that she used her smile back then as a shield because she knew that if she showed her real feelings (embarrassment, anger) and how incredibly upset she was at makinganykind of mistake, she would cry in front of her boss, and that wasnt what she wanted to do at all She learned that she had to balance herbubblywith a bit ofgravityin order to be taken seriously.If you are one of those bubbly people who smile a lot at work, be aware of how youre presenting yourself. Im not saying you should become a Debbie No-Smile Downer. What I am saying is make sure your personality power is tempered for the environment of your job and that you come across as someone professional and trustworthy and not like a wind-up toy. If youre not sure, set some time with your boss. Ask away. Shell appreciate that youre taking the time and showing concern about your professionalism. If your boss aint got time for that, pull a coworker aside (someone you trust) and ask him or her for feedback. Youll be happy you did. And if you answered FALSE to all of the self-assessment questions above, now mig ht be the time for a personality rebootCheryl Grace is the sassy aunt, best friend, and mentor youve always needed in your life. The successful jet-setting, global corporate executive founded the aspirational lifestyle brand Powerful Penny LLC. Her products, workshops and speeches probe, inspire and empower to ensure those who really want to can get to their next level of best. Her blogs on careers, prosperity, relationships, family, looking and living fabulously, and living a five-star life can be found atwww.powerfulpenny.com.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Tap Into Your Character Strengths at Work [Infographic]

Tap Into Yur Character Strengths at Work Infographic Tap Into Your Character Strengths at Work Infographic According to a new infographic from Happify, just knowing our strengths isnt quite enough. What we need to do isuse those strengths, in our personal lives and at work.Tapping into our strengths helps us make progress on our goals, boosting our feelings of independence and confidence, says the infographic.Developing our strengths is good for our health, good for our moods, and good for our careers according to the infographic, 81 percent of people whove had strengths-based career counseling are employed,whereas only 60 percent of people whove had conventional career counseling are.To learn more about using your strengths on the job, check out the full infographic below or visit Happifys website.